

AI Voice Generator with Text to Speech Converter

Leverage Resemble's AI voice generator for engaging and natural sounding voice AI content with our advanced Text to Speech Converter.

Custom AI Voice Cloning

Resemble AI can clone a voice with as little as 3 minutes of uploaded data or you can try cloning your voice for free by recording just 25 sentences.

Localize and Dub Languages With AI Voice

Dub your voice in 62 different languages with Resemble's Localize tool, which can translate and convert your voice into other languages.


AI voice generator for emotional text-to-speech realistic voice cloning. Get started with cloning your voice for FREE!

Resemble AI

Generative Voice AI for Enterprise · Resemble's AI voice generator lets you create realistic human–like voiceovers in seconds. · Over 200,135 AI voices generate ...

Resemble AI

Custom AI Generated voices from your speech source. Resemble clones voices from given audio data starting with just 5 minutes of data.

讓安迪沃荷原音復活、超過百萬人使用,Resemble AI 打造 ...

2023年8月5日 — Resemble AI最初主要與遊戲直播產業進行合作,標榜直播主只要提供3分鐘的原聲參考音檔,便可透過深度學習技術訓練電腦複製其說話語氣,當直播主列出希望AI ...